Bentley Heath

Solihull, West Midlands

In Promotion

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St. Philips is promoting a 36.6 acre site through the Solihull Local Plan Review for approximately 250 dwellings and a site for a new 3 form entry primary school.

The strategy is based on offering the Council a strategic site that is well-connected to the local highway and public transport network, delivering much needed housing and an opportunity for the nearby Bentley Heath Primary school to be expended to support recent and ongoing housing growth.


The team have undertaken a number of technical surveys (including ecology, arboriculture, landscape and highways) which demonstrate that the proposals could be successfully delivered.

The proposal also offers another potential infrastructure benefit in the provision of a new two-way access road which could provide the ability to downgrade both Browns Lane and Smiths Lane to access only and thereby provide local residents with some amenity benefits.

The Council’s emerging draft plan does not currently identify the site to be allocated, therefore further promotion will be required at the submission stage of the plan and the Local Plan Examination later in 2018 or early 2019.

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