Wheelwright Lane

Ash Green, Warwickshire

In Promotion

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St. Philips secured a draft allocation for 127 dwellings within the designated Green Belt at Ash Green in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth.

The site sits against the eastern edge of Ash Green, close to major employment opportunities at ProLogis Park, the Coventry Ricoh Arena and Rowleys Green.


The St. Philips team presented a range of detailed key evidence-based documents, producing a comprehensive suite of representations and promotional documents which were submitted in December 2015, in response to consultation undertaken on the Council’s emerging Borough Plan.

As part of this work, we objectively assessed the Borough’s housing need and deliverable supply using technical evidence on landscape sensitivity, ecology and sustainability to construct a compelling case for the site’s release from the Green Belt. St. Philips assembled a team of technical specialists whose evidence was used to support talks with the local Council, culminating in the draft allocation being secured in the Publication version of the Borough Plan.

An Outline planning application with all matters reserved (except access and spine road design) was submitted to Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council in January 2018, for up to 74 units for the northern site area.

The upfront technical due diligence St. Philips has completed will allow housebuilders to appraise the site comprehensively, ultimately leading to an accelerated and more definitive land receipt for our landowner partner.

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